Web Design & Application Development

Phoenix, AZ • 480-788-4635

Web Development

Lesson 3: CSS

1. CSS Walkthrough

We added quite a few CSS declarations to our page. Let's walk through them now and see what they do.

Anchor Tag

browser default css
                                a {
                                  text-decoration: underline;
browser default css
                                a {
                                  text-decoration: none;

UL & LI Tags

<ul> and <li>
browser default css
                                ul {
                                  list-style-type: disc;
                                  -webkit-padding-start: 40px;

                                li {
browser default css
<ul> and <li>
                                ul {
                                  list-style-type: none;
                                  padding: 0;

                                li {

Multiple CSS Selectors

                                  h1, h2, h3, h4 {
                                    color: #464646;

Multiple CSS selectors can be styled at the same time by seperating them with a comma.

Styling Elements Inside Other Elements

To style elements that are inside other elements separate parent and descendant selectors with a space.

The following code styles the <h3> heading inside the <div> with class: .front.

                                  .front h3 {
                                    color: #FFF;
                                  <div class="front face">
                                    <h3>Question 1:</h3>
                                    <p class="card-text">
                                      What are the three branches of the U.S. Government?